Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12th, 2011

In A Nutshell
For those of you who don't actually know me, you may be wondering why in God's name I'm going to school in Sweden for my sophomore year of high school. Well, I have - my family has - decided that going to study abroad would be a great opportunity for me, and open a lot of doors in my future. Why Sweden? Well, my dad lives here. We figured that sending me abroad to my dad's house would be easier than shipping me off to South America or something... My mom and dad are divorced, so that's why my dad moved back to Sweden. Now, I left the house at around 3:30pm on July 11th, 2011. And that's where my adventure begins.

At The Airport
After burning my mouth on some hot fast food while simultaneously consuming more calories than any person ever should, my mother and I made it to the airport. Upon arriving I realized two things:
1. There was no way I was ever going to be able to get my suitcases in the airport by myself; my mother, being pregnant, could not help me.
2. The heavier of my two suitcases was broken.
After much complaining and pain, I finally managed to get that damn suitcase into the airport and onto a cart. Pushing the cart down the hall, I realized that my left leg was in pain. Looking down, I saw that the little bastard had scraped all the skin off my ankle. I officially hate suitcases.
After two and a half hours of boredom, it was time to board the plane to Reykjavik, Iceland. Being the lucky girl I am, I got to wait until everyone else had boarded the plane before it was my turn to depart with the beloved continent we call home.
I remember reading in the yearbook, "Where is the weirdest place you've ever seen a teacher?" Well, my top two answers would be: Walking into a tattoo and piercing shop, and being the guy who takes your tickets as you board at the airport. I ran into Mr. H, one of the teachers at my elementary school. I still cant remember what it was he taught, but I do know that he totally screwed me over and didn't accept my application to become a junior naturalists. That's the last time I care about nature...

Minneapolis to Reykjavik
First thing I noticed when I got onto the plane was the cute little kid sitting in front of me. He was about as tall as my 5 year old sister, but looked about 7 or 8. I swear, for a minute I thought he was Jay Smith. If I hadn't seen his mom and dad - both looking like anything but celebrities- I would've spent my entire life thinking I had actually seen a celebrity in person. Anyway, this kid was super excited to be on his way to Paris to visit his grandma. He talked all about her and how much he loved the plane, how little everything was getting, if I thought the plane was going to crash or not... He also informed us all that Brian on Family Guy "really enjoys a good alcoholic drink." My love for this little boy was not to last. When we were about 4 hours away from Reykjavik, the majority of the planes passengers decided it was time for a little shut eye. Not for Jay Smith's doppelganger! After less than two hours of being asleep, I woke to the sound of him chattering on and on and on and on and on and on and on. It was about nothing in particular, and he sounded like he was yelling into a megaphone. I appologize to the flight attendants now... I may have been a first class bitch on that flight...
Some cranky old man finally silenced him, and the cabin enjoyed their sleep; the whole 15 minutes of it before we had to get off the plane. Jaywho'sreallynotJay and I were led into a room where all the unaccompanied minors sit until boarding time - my mother has decided I am in need of assistance until I'm 35. It was awful. The walls were obnoxious colors, books such as "Spot Goes to School" littered the floor, and there was marker and crayon EVERYWHERE.
 I don't know what it is about stewardesses, but they feel the need to treat everyone like they're two years old. I don't know about you, but I find it a little annoying - being 15 years old- when a flight attendant asks you if you'd like to color or read a book every 20 minutes. That being said, I am extremely proud of the duck picture I drew.

Reykjavik to Stockholm
This flight was slightly less exciting...
Looking out the window, I saw an airplane with the picture of an alien on it that looked like it was about to consume the Earth. Reading the side of the plane I made out the words: IRON MAIDEN The Final Frontier World Tour 2011. Other than the bitchin' clouds, there's nothing more to report on that 4 hour flight...
After getting picked up from the airport, my dad and I went to go drop off my little sister at her mom's house. Her moms words upon seeing me were "oh my gosh! you've gotten so big! I thought you were his new girlfriend!" That's odd.... Unless I hit a growth spurt on the plane, I only grew an inch over the year...
Coming home was probably the best part of my day. I got to say hello to my dogs, horses, and cat that I haven't seen in 9 months, and got some amazing ice cream at the store. My day is complete.

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